Instructions for Students regarding online examination

Students are directed to follow the following instructions strictly:

1.                Question paper will be sent 5 to 10 minutes before the scheduled time by teacher through whatspp or email.

2.                Students have to attempt the paper on any large paper sheet (similar size as the answer sheet provided by university in physical exam)

3.                Answer sheet must be hand written. No typed paper will be accepted.

4.                Students must use the black ball point pen or pen with black ink

5.                Student must write the followings clearly at the top of answer sheet and inside the email:

                                                              i.      Name

                                                            ii.       Roll Number

                                                          iii.      Class

                                                          iv.      Section

                                                             v.      Morning or Afternoon

                                                          vi.      Semester

                                                        vii.      Title and Code of the Course

6.                Every sheet of answer sheet must be numbered and contain roll number and name.

7.                After attempting paper students have to SCAN or take picture of answer sheets and convert them to the PDF format (Students may use “CAMSCANNER” app on their phone to do so)

8.                Students should install and understand the use of CAM Scanner or similar app well before the examination

9.                Answer sheet must be converted into one PDF file which can be easily made through CAM scanner or similar apps.

10.           30 minutes extra time will be given to take picture or scan answer sheets, convert them into PDF and email to concerned teacher (students must learn how to send email and attach a file to email well before examination).

11.           In the subject field of email, student must write the followings:

                                                              i.      Complete Roll Number

                                                            ii.      Name

                                                          iii.      Course Title

12.           More than one file or email from one student will not be accepted.

13.           Answer sheets submitted after the stipulated time shall not be entertained, and the student will be marked absent from the examination.

14.           Arrangement of phone and internet will be students’ own responsibility.

15.           If any two or more submitted answer sheets by different students will be same, they will be marked “Zero.”

16.           Students must write correct email address of teacher while sending email.

17.             For any question or query regarding examination students may ask teacher during examination time through whatsapp.

18.             To ensure your email has been sent check if is not there in drafts or out box

19.             Another way to check is to see in sent items. It must be present there. click the email in sent items and check if attachment is attached with the email.